Many seafood, nuts, fruits, vegetables, spices, and herbs are considered potent aphrodisiacs. They help increase fertility and increase sexual activity in men.
The choice of products that are considered natural stimulants of potency is rich. The intensity of their positive effect on the body is diverse. Products can not only improve potency, but also affect the quality of male sperm. They help fight stress and improve mood.
general characteristics
Aphrodisiacs are substances that stimulate a man's sexual activity. They got their name in honor of the Greek goddess of beauty and love - Aphrodite.
The list of aphrodisiacs that increase libido includes several thousand items. Natural stimulants are fruits, spices and seafood.
Not all aphrodisiacs work the same. They can be divided into two groups according to their mode of action:
- Aphrodisiacs that increase male sexual activity by acting on the nervous system or by improving blood flow to the genitals.
- Products designed to arouse a partner's love or increase their desire for a specific person.
Natural stimulants of sexual activity have one undeniable advantage - they cannot be overdosed, which means they will never harm.
The best natural aphrodisiac that increases sexual activity in men is ginseng. Its stimulating power has been scientifically proven. Ginseng root directly affects libido and significantly improves erection.
Regular intake of ginseng for 2-3 weeks leads to improved sexual function. A man has a persistent erection and an increase in sexual desire during intercourse.
In addition to a positive effect on libido, ginseng has other positive properties:
- neutralizes free radicals (due to the antioxidants included in the composition);
- prevents the development of cancer cells;
- contributes to the normalization of weight;
- helps lower blood sugar levels.
The ginseng root has a positive effect on the functioning of the immune system. It improves vitality, adds energy and reduces tension associated with stress.

Dietary supplements containing this ingredient come in the form of tablets and tinctures. Ginseng is found in some multivitamin supplements. In health food stores you can use it to buy juices, herbal teas and even coffee.
Don't get over-zealous about recipes with added ginseng. Their uncontrolled use can cause side effects: glaucoma, hypertension, irritability, diarrhea and skin rash.
The best known natural aphrodisiacs are seafood. They are rich in vitamins and minerals that have a positive effect on sexual desire. In the list of aphrodisiacs, which are the strongest stimulants, there are crustaceans and fatty fish (oysters, salmon, tuna, herring, eel, mackerel).
The most popular seafood are:
- oystersShellfish contain compounds that increase testosterone levels in human blood. Oysters provide the male body with two rare amino acids responsible for testosterone production: D-aspartic acid and N-methyl-D-aspartic acid. D-aspartic acid accumulates in the pituitary gland and stimulates the production of luteinizing hormone (LH). This leads to increased production of testosterone, the hormone responsible for sex drive. Oysters are a rich source of vitamins (A, B1, B2, C and D) and minerals. They contain calcium, iodine, iron, potassium, copper, sodium, zinc, phosphorus, manganese, sulfur and fatty acids. Zinc is the main ingredient involved in testosterone synthesis. Its deficiency in a man's body can cause: infertility, prostatic hypertrophy and alopecia. The most valuable are fresh oysters, which are served raw.
- Shrimp. Rich in phosphorus, potassium and magnesium. Her refined and unique taste (especially at a romantic candlelight dinner) not only touches the taste buds but also awakens the imagination.
- Sushi. Fish with wasabi sauce and ginger slices is the best aphrodisiac imaginable. Sea fish, especially salmon, mackerel and tuna, are rich in fatty acids. These substances stimulate the production of hormones. Tuna is a good source of selenium. This element activates the work of the genital organs and increases the ability to produce sperm.

The sex-stimulating properties of spices have been known for centuries, with references to them in the Kama Sutra. Aphrodisiacs from the list of the most popular:
- Ginger. When using the root of the plant, the body warms up, blood flow to the genitals improves, and the intensity of the erection increases. Ginger is particularly popular in the Far East. In India, its juice mixed with honey and eggs is used as a medicine to treat impotence. In Chinese medicine, ginger is called the hot root. Essential oils from the plant stimulate sensuality. The best effect is observed when the product is eaten raw. To increase the effectiveness of ginger, it is best combined with honey, garlic, cloves and cinnamon.
- Nutmeg. In the Middle Ages, it was used as a sexual enhancer and gained a good reputation among "spice lovers". A person who eats this spice is immediately ready to have sex. Nutmeg stimulates the nervous system, improves blood circulation. However, when using it, it is importantnot to overdo it Excess can cause hallucinations Nutmeg primarily improves mood and increases sexual energy in men when combined with dill.
- Saffron. This yellow-orange powder is made from crocuses. It is considered the most expensive spice in the world. It contains substances that stimulate sexual desire. In addition, the product can save a man from mental and physical fatigue. Saffron is used as a spice in rice, seafood, soups, cakes and drinks. It gives the dish a special yellowish tint. It can be used along with other spices like basil and oregano.
Some minerals are good aphrodisiacs. These include:
- lecithin. Increases the quantity and quality of sperm.
- Zinc. Ensures proper growth and development of male reproductive organs.
- Phosphorus. Increases libido, improves sexual activity. It has one significant drawback - it negatively affects sperm production.
- Magnesium. Supports the function of the genital muscles, contributes to the normalization of the conduction of stimuli in nerve cells.
- Potassium. Facilitates the work of the heart. Its absence can weaken sexual desire.

fruits and plants
Many fruits, berries and vegetables are aphrodisiacs. The most popular of them are:
- Asparagus. It has been used to increase sexual desire for centuries. The 17th-century English herbalist Nicholas Culpepper wrote that asparagus "gives lust in both men and women. " In the 19th century, couples were given several pods of the plant before their wedding night. Asparagus has exceptional potency due to its high content of folic acid, a vitaminB, C, A, and E. These elements increase histamine levels, a neurotransmitter involved in stimulating arousal and orgasm. Asparagus contains protodioscins, compounds that increase libido and help get rid of erection problems.
- Chili. The fruits of the plant contain capsaicin. This alkaloid is responsible for the pungent, burning taste of pepper. Capsaicin increases thermogenesis (heat production) in body cells. Eating a lot of hot peppers (possibly in the form of a sauce) raises body temperature and speeds up blood flow. This allows blood to reach all organs faster, including the genitals. Good blood flow to the genitals stimulates strong arousal, stable erections and intense orgasms.
- Celery. It is a valuable plant product that has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the reproductive system in men. The plant contains zinc. This element is involved in the synthesis of testosterone, has a positive effect on sperm quality and stimulates potency. Celery contains vitamin E. It helps increase sexual desire, stimulates the production of hormones, and also slows down the aging process. Vitamin C contained in the product contributes to the active production of hormones and improves blood supply to the male organs.
- Brazilian nut. Contains selenium - an element that has a beneficial effect on maintaining sexual function in men. Half of the selenium absorbed by the body ends up in the testicles and gonads and is also contained in semen. Selenium has a positive effect on the production and maturation of sperm and is important in spermatogenesis. Families who wish to have children should pay attention to the increased use of this element. Selenium improves sperm quality, increases mobility, viability and the number of fertilizable sperm.
- walnutsThey were considered a fertility symbol in ancient Rome. Contains magnesium and vitamins E and B, which stimulate the maintenance of male reproduction. Consuming walnuts can have a positive impact on improving sperm count.
- Soy. Contains large amounts of vitamin B6. This element reduces the activity of the hormone estradiol in the prostate, hypothalamus and pituitary gland. This protects the prostate from the occurrence of disorders and helps stimulate the production of testosterone. Vitamin B6 inhibits the release of prolactin. This hormone limits the synthesis of testosterone and, together with estradiol, stimulates the proliferation of the prostate and breast.
- yohimbine. The most exotic aphrodisiac is yohimbine, an alkaloid found in the bark of the yohimbe tree, which grows in the coastal forests of central and western Africa. Yohimbine is not only a vasodilator and has a positive effect on urogenital function, but also helps in the treatment of non-orgasmic disorders and increases the skin's receptivity to touch. When yohimbine enters the body, less blood fills the pelvic organs. This facilitates blood flow to the male genital organs. The result is a stable erection and the possibility of subsequent ejaculation. Studies confirm the high effectiveness of this aphrodisiac and its good tolerability by the body.
- watermelon. Considered a "natural Viagra". It's best to eat it with the skin on. Can be consumed as a juice or smoothie. Half a glass of such a drink causes a significant increase in sexual desire.
- peaches. These fruits are called "breast of Venus". They have always been seductive to men. The vitamins and trace elements contained in the peach increase desire and prolong enjoyment. Apricots and figs have a similar effect.
- Banana. The best fruit to relieve stress before a date. Banana increases the level of serotonin in the body. It helps elevate mood and calm the nervous system. The fruit contains a lot of potassium. The element increases muscle strength and helps achieve orgasm. Chocolate or strawberries with whipped cream can be added to a banana.
- Strawberry. The red color stimulates sexual activity in men, and the seductive taste arouses desire. The aroma of berries increases libido. Folic acid and vitamin B have a positive effect on sperm quality.
Other products
To increase sex drive:
- eggs. They are considered a symbol of fertility and the birth of new life. They are nutritious, strengthen the body and stimulate sexual activity. Soybeans and lentils do the same, as do pumpkin seeds (a rich source of zinc and beta-carotene).
- Treasure. It is a very useful aphrodisiac. In ancient times it was mixed with herbs and was considered a love potion. In Egypt, honey was used to treat impotence. The product strengthens the body, destroys bacteria. After its use, vitality and energy are added. The boron contained in honey helps regulate testosterone levels.
- Baked basil with tomatoes or pine nuts (famous pesto sauce). Judgment empowers. Nutmeg and dill have a similar effect. They increase sexual energy in men.
- Sesame (sesame). Contains many vitamins and minerals, especially zinc. To date, the Arab countries produce powders of lavender, sesame, ginger, cloves and nutmeg, which increase sexual desire.
Men become sexually active after eating legumes, honey, and eggs. If you do not abuse wine and chocolate, they have an effective stimulating effect.